About Jim

Jim Murphy recently retired as a Landscape Supervisor at The University of Virginia. He also loves to breed daylilies and work on the 3 acre home garden. In addition, he is working on some other projects around the property such as making fences, growing an organic vegetable garden, and keeping up with a large property. In his spare time, he loves to play with Millie the Border Collie, watch Basketball, play with the tractor and other farm equipment, chat with his son Matt, and especially, love Margo!

Jim helped to start the Charlottesville Daylily Club, and served for 9 years as president. He also chaired the 2006 Region 3 Convention, as well as co-hosting a tour garden. He is an AHS Garden Judge and Instructor, and Senior Exhibition Judge, and is a member of several daylily clubs, and on email robins. He also is an active member of Cove Garden Ruritan.

Jim loves breeding daylilies, and has been most successful with diploid narrow forms, and tall ones. He grows about 3,000 seedlings at a time, and selects for introduction about 10 per year. He started hybridizing daylilies in 1988, and his first introduction was in 2001.

Goals for hybridizing are many, but the most important are: Breeding for the total plant: for northern hardiness, high bud count, multiple branching, complete sunfastness, and vigorous growth in average garden conditions.

Contact Info

Woodhenge Gardens
Jim Murphy & Margo Reed
3191 Plank Rd.
North Garden, Va. 22959
(434) 981-5212
cell (434) 981 5212
Lily Auction Username:Murphy

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